Walmart does not offer payday loans. They do offer personal loans to their employees in some cases, but these are not available to customers. You can however finance purchases through Walmart. Which means you can take an item home and make payments on it over time. Whether you’re approved for store financing would depend on their specific qualifications and requirements, as well as your own specific financial history.
If you’re looking for a payday loan there are a few things you should be aware of. First and foremost would be that some payday loans carry extremely high interest rates and APRs. It’s very important to make sure you’re aware of the APR for a payday loan, or any loan, before you accept and sign for it. Compare different lenders and choose the one that offers you the best terms and APR.
Another key thing to remember with payday loans is that they tend to have very short repayment periods. Usually, borrowers are required to repay these loans in only two weeks, or by their next payday. And since the costs and interest rates are high, it can be very difficult to repay these loans on time. If a borrower can’t repay on time the lender may offer to “roll over” the loan to a new term.
Loan rollover is when the lender extends the loan for a new repayment period, and adds fees and interest in the process. Extending your loan may sound like a good idea, but rollover usually makes it more difficult to repay the loan because of the fees and interest that are added. This can often lead to a cycle of debt that is difficult to ever repay.
For more information about payday loans, personal installment loans, and other fast cash solutions, visit the CreditNinja Dojo. Our informational blogs and personal finance tips are here to help.