
Can you pay off a chapter 13 early?

Can You Pay off a Bankruptcy Early?

You can pay off a Chapter 13 early, but creditors may pursue more money because you demonstrate that you have sufficient disposable income. The minimum percentage for Chapter 13 is 10% to 15% on average.1 But if you pay off a Chapter 13 early, the creditor might pursue a 100% chapter 13 plan. 

There are different types of bankruptcy. In this article, you will learn more about what happens if you pay your Chapter 13 bankruptcy early, along with an alternative to an early payoff. 

Eligibility for Early Repayment of Chapter 13

If you want to get rid of your Chapter 13 bankruptcy early, you should know there are specific requirements. 

  • Disposable Income — Your eligibility largely depends on your disposable income. If you have sufficient income to cover the remaining balance of your outstanding debt before the end of the applicable commitment period, you might be eligible.
  • Consistent Payment History — A history of consistent monthly payments can strengthen your case for early payoff eligibility.
  • Court’s Assessment — Ultimately, the bankruptcy court will assess your financial situation to determine if you can shorten your commitment period without adversely affecting your creditors.

The Benefits and Risks of Early Chapter 13 Repayment 

Before you initiate a payoff early, consider the following benefits and risks of doing so. 

AspectBenefits of Early RepaymentRisks of Early Repayment
Financial ReliefReduces the duration of financial burden and allows for a quicker return to financial normalcy.Can lead to financial strain if it depletes essential savings or emergency funds.
Credit ScorePotentially positions you for an earlier start on rebuilding your credit post-bankruptcy.Immediate credit score improvement is unlikely; the bankruptcy record remains for a set period.
Cash FlowFrees up monthly income that was previously dedicated to plan payments.A large upfront payment may impact cash flow and reduce financial flexibility.
Debt ManagementSimplifies personal finance management by removing the complexity of ongoing debt payments.Risk of mismanaging other financial obligations or opportunities due to focus on early repayment.
Legal StandingFully satisfying debt obligations can improve your standing with creditors and the court.If not properly executed or approved by the court, it can lead to legal complications.
Long-term PlanningAligns with long-term financial goals like saving for retirement or education.May conflict with long-term financial goals if it limits your ability to save or invest for the future.

The process of paying off your plan early begins with a thorough review of your court-approved repayment plan, ensuring that your intentions to pay off early align with the applicable commitment period set by the bankruptcy court.

  1. Review of Legal Documents — Start by reviewing all legal documents related to your bankruptcy case. Pay special attention to the terms regarding the repayment of unsecured debt.
  2. Consultation with Legal Counsel — Consider consulting with a bankruptcy attorney before making any decisions. 
  3. Filing a Motion — If you decide to proceed, you’ll need to file a motion with the court. This legal document should outline your request to modify the terms of your repayment plan, including a detailed justification.
  4. Court Hearing and Approval — After filing the motion, a court hearing will usually be scheduled. During this hearing, you’ll have the opportunity to present your case. The bankruptcy judge will review your request, considering factors like your current financial situation and your track record of plan payments.
  5. Compliance with Court Decisions — If the court approves your request, you’ll receive a modified repayment plan that reflects the new terms. It’s essential to comply strictly with this revised financial plan to avoid any legal complications.
  6. Monitoring and Adjusting — Even after court approval, stay vigilant about your financial situation. If circumstances change, you may need to revisit the court to adjust the terms of your repayment plan.

Remember that effective communication with your trustee and creditors is critical. For complex negotiations, especially regarding unsecured debt, consider seeking guidance from financial and legal professionals experienced in bankruptcy matters.

What Kinds of Debts Will I Have To Negotiate With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Your specific negotiations will depend on the types of loans you have; here are some of the common loans/credit accounts that most people have that will be a part of the Chapter 13 negotiation process: 

Requesting a Hardship Discharge With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

In some cases, while you are under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be able to request and be granted a hardship discharge. A discharge will wipe out the remaining balances on your payment plan.

However, it’s unlikely that the court will grant a discharge if you don’t pay your disposable income for your entire commitment period. Much like a contract, you must do certain things before you’re entitled to the discharge. The qualifications for a discharge include the following: 

  • You have paid your creditors as much as they would receive in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. 
  • Your financial situation has changed without any fault of your own. 
  • There is no indication of an improvement in your financial circumstances.
  • If your income is extremely low, even a lowering of monthly payments will not be helpful. 

What Happens if I Decide Not To Pay Off My Bankruptcy Early

If you decide to follow through with your original court-appointed payment plan, you can expect to make the monthly payment agreed upon. As long as you make those payments on time, you should have paid off all your debts by the end of five years. From here, you can start working on your credit, saving, or using the extra income for whatever you like.

Steps You Can Take To Avoid Bankruptcy in the Future

Here are some steps you can take to help protect yourself: 

Build an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund is crucial for stability and is one of many good financial habits that should be a part of your financial repertoire. Having at least three months of expenses saved will help when something unexpected happens and your financial situation changes. With a rainy day fund you can borrow from, you won’t have to look at loan options that come with interest, which could mean falling even deeper into financial chaos. 

Talk to Your Creditors When Facing Financial Difficulties

If your financial situation changes and you are finding it challenging to cover your monthly expenses, talk to your creditors immediately. Negotiating as soon as possible can help you avoid bankruptcy. Most creditors are flexible and may allow an extension, a lower monthly payment, refinancing, and more. 

Never Borrow More Money Than You Can Afford 

Even before the age of 18, most Americans are bombarded with credit offers. And it can be tempting to go above your means. That can quickly get out of control and lead to too much debt that becomes unmanageable. Figure out how much you make, how much you owe, and how much extra you can afford to spend. 

FAQs About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy 

What is the average credit score after chapter 13 discharge?

The average credit score after Chapter 13 discharge can vary widely based on individual circumstances. Generally, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can significantly lower a credit score, often bringing it below 600. However, with responsible financial behavior post-discharge, individuals can gradually rebuild their credit over time.

What are the steps involved in calculating the total amount needed to pay off my Chapter 13 plan early?

To calculate the total amount for early repayment, you’ll need to consider your remaining unsecured debt and any applicable commitment period adjustments. It’s best to consult with your bankruptcy trustee or a financial advisor for accurate figures.

How can I assess if paying off my Chapter 13 plan early makes financial sense for me?

Review your disposable income, recent income taxes, and other financial obligations. Consider how this decision will impact your short-term and long-term financial health.

What strategies can I use to pay off my Chapter 13 bankruptcy early?

Effective strategies include increasing your monthly plan payment, using any windfall gains like tax refunds or bonuses, and cutting down on non-essential expenses to free up more disposable income for your repayment plan.

Who should I consult for advice on paying off my Chapter 13 bankruptcy earlier than required?

It’s wise to consult with a bankruptcy attorney or a financial advisor who understands the nuances of your bankruptcy case and can provide tailored advice.

Can I negotiate with my creditors for an early payoff of my Chapter 13 plan?

Negotiating an early payoff directly with creditors is uncommon in Chapter 13 cases, as the repayment plan is court-approved. However, you can discuss adjustments with your bankruptcy trustee or attorney.

Where can I find more information about managing my finances while paying off my Chapter 13 bankruptcy early?

For more information, consider visiting financial education websites, consulting with a financial advisor, or attending workshops focused on budgeting and debt management during bankruptcy.

Is it possible to reduce my monthly plan payment if my disposable income decreases after committing to early repayment of Chapter 13?

If your disposable income decreases significantly, you may petition the bankruptcy court to reassess your repayment plan. However, this requires providing evidence of the change in your financial situation.

In Summary From CreditNinja 

At CreditNinja, we value financial education. That’s why, in addition to helping consumers access quick emergency cash, we also provide free financial articles. You can learn how to remove bankruptcy from your credit report, how to build good credit, and much more!


  1. Paying off Your Chapter 13 Plan Early | Dellutri Law Group
  2. Can I Pay Off My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan Early? | Nolo
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