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A loan is a commonly used option when someone needs to pay for an emergency or unexpected expense. If you are also on the search

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How Much Debt Is Too Much
Credit card debt and other forms of consumer debt have become so commonplace in the last couple of decades that it can be difficult to…
consolidate debt with personal loan
Consumers may use personal loans to consolidate debt. These debt consolidation loans involve taking various balances (from credit cards, other loans, etc.), and combining them…
what happens to unpaid medical bills
If you receive an incorrect medical bill, you can dispute the medical collections account by contacting the healthcare provider and filing a complaint.  Medical costs are…
pros and cons of debt relief
When you have more debt than you know how to pay back, it can be incredibly anxiety-inducing. Monthly debt payments might be taking over your…
How Long Before Collection Agency Reports to a Credit Bureau
The United States has three primary credit reporting agencies.1 If you owe funds to a collection agency, you may be curious about how long it…
how soon can i borrow from my life insurance policy
When you experience a financial emergency, it’d be nice if you had a fund you could just dip into to handle it without the hassle…

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