
How to stop worrying about money 6 tips

By Nooreen B
Modified on February 27, 2024
worrying about money

Trying to figure out how to stop worrying about money? You are not alone. According to a 2020 survey conducted by the Federal Reserve, most Americans have debt and live paycheck to paycheck. The pandemic has compounded these issues and has caused even more economic hardship for these households. The good news is that there are many ways that you can make your current income work for you while also seeking resources to help better improve your financial prospects. 

With a combination of these tools, you can focus on other aspects of your life. And stop worrying so much about your finances. Continue reading for six tips that will help you better control your financial situation. 

Find a Better Job To Improve Your Financial Situation

Sometimes, a job or career change can significantly reduce your money worries. The first thing you’ll want to do is check the average compensation for your current role. If you aren’t paid enough, you can ask for a raise or look elsewhere. 

In other cases, you may want to pursue training or education to move up in your industry or change industries altogether. 

Your current employer may reimburse you for any classes or training you take. If you are paying for school/training yourself, you may have to pay out of pocket, use student loan options, or consider personal loans. These loan options are available even if you have bad credit, so don’t hesitate to inquire for personal loans, even with bad credit. 

Although training and school can be expensive, think of it as an investment in yourself. The proper training and education can help you land a better-paying job and take away the financial anxiety of not having enough income. 

Building an Emergency Fund To Stop Worrying About Money 

Not having a savings fund is the primary source of financial stress for many households. And if you don’t also have anything set up, the thought could be adding to your money worries. Most experts recommend having a savings fund with at least three months of expenses. That may sound like a daunting task, especially if you start from zero. But there are small steps you can take to start saving money, such as automated savings. Having a savings fund can also prevent going into debt in case of an emergency! 

Following a Budget To Manage Money

For some people, their money stress may come from not having enough control over their finances. A budget can help you see exactly how much money you have and where all your money is going. To give you complete control over your spending and savings. 

Budgets can come in all shapes and sizes and do your own research to find one that fits your lifestyle. The unique thing is that you can alter any budget to better fit your finances. 

Another thing that budgets force you to do is set financial goals! Setting financial goals can also help take away some of that stress of uncertainty with your money. 

One last way a budget can help you stop worrying about money, is that it makes you pay attention to spending. Bad spending habits can develop quickly if you don’t pay attention to buying things you want vs. actual necessities. The great thing about budgeting is that it brings those money habits to the forefront, so you can see them and change them over time. 

Paying off Debt ASAP To Stop Worrying About Money 

Debt can be a huge source of financial worries regarding money. Here are two common scenarios that you may find yourself in: 

  • Having multiple high-interest debts and can be paying off loans or credit cards for years without making a dent in what you owe.
  • Having a small amount of Debt to pay it with a few loans/credit cards. 

For some people, getting rid of debt in either scenario may be as simple as a matter of prioritizing where their money goes. While in other cases, a solution such as debt consolidation can be the most effective option to take care of their debt. 

Stepping away from the big picture, here are a few small things you can do to tackle debt right away:

  • Paying more than the minimum amount due each month. 
  • Tackling high-interest rates first. 
  • Automate payments from a bank account to avoid late fees.
  • Payoff credit card debt and other revolving credit accounts right away.

Changing Your Lifestyle To Save Money and Reduce Financial Worries

Many people live above their means, and although it can mean a more luxurious lifestyle, it may be a point of contention when it comes to your money. Look at your lifestyle and cut down on places where you may be spending more money than you actually have.

Lifestyle changes can be small; for example, cooking at home instead of dining out can cut down on monthly expenses for food and help you save money. For others, significant changes like moving and selling a second vehicle can considerably save your monthly income. Saving money through large or small changes can help you stop worrying about money and focus on living your life comfortably. 

Keep in mind that living within your means doesn’t mean giving up on the self-care aspects for yourself or a family member. It is about spending money wisely and balancing your living expenses, financial habits, and savings to get a better hold of your financial situation. 

Investing Your Money for the Future To Reduce Financial Stress and Stop Worrying About Money 

Investing your money can help you stop worrying about your finances in the present moment and prevent financial difficulties for your future self. The process can be as simple as putting money away in a savings bank account that earns interest. However, for more financial security, having assets like retirement accounts, savings bonds, and passive forms of income can all be a great way to build your financial portfolio and make your money work for you. Getting help from a financial advisor is another place to begin if you are thinking about investing but aren’t sure where to start. 

Keeping It Realistic When Learning How To Stop Worrying About Money 

Although all these six strategies may not put a complete stop to stress altogether or stop financial problems from rearing their ugly head, they can make it easier when those things happen. Taking action to find a better-paying career, building an emergency fund, using a budget, paying off debt, changing spending habits, and investing can help take away a ton of financial stress off of your shoulders. 


The Fed – Report on the Economic Well-Being of US Households in 2020 – May 2021 – Income

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