By CreditNinja Reviewed by Matt Mayerle
Modified on June 13, 2024

A 560 credit score is considered poor. Having a 560 credit score can make it tough for you in the financial world.

But the good news is that improving a bad credit score is possible! With the right steps and consistency, improving all three credit scores can happen. Curious about the first steps and learning more about credit scores in general? Continue reading to learn more.

Key Takeaways for a 560 Credit Score

Overview of Your
Credit Rating

A 560 credit score is a poor credit score. This can make finances challenging when compared to someone with fair, good, or excellent credit.

Borrowing Options With a
560 Credit Score

With a 560 credit score, you won’t have access to lots of borrowing options, but you will likely be able to borrow bad credit loans.

Improving a 560
Credit/FICO Score

Improving a bad credit score is possible. Actions like paying your bills on time, keeping your credit utilization low, and diversifying your credit mix can help.

Is a 560 Credit Score Good?

A 560 credit score is not a good credit score; it falls under the poor range of credit scores/FICO scores. However, just because you have a bad credit score or some bumps in your credit history doesn’t mean that you cannot improve things. Below, we’ll give you tools and strategies to help you move your credit score in a more positive direction.

What Can You Get Approved for?


4.6 Ninja Star Rating

  • Build credit while saving money
  • No hard credit pull
  • Automatic payments
  • Reports to all bureaus

Self is a lender that offers an easy and responsible way for borrowers to establish payment history and build credit, while saving money, through a credit builder account. It’s a small installment loan, but the money is yours, and even securitized by a CD.

Start Building Your Credit Score Today!

Katapult Lending

4.4 Trustpilot Rating

  • lease purchase plans
  • Simple process
  • No hidden fees
  • No credit required

Katapult offers lease purchase plans and paths to ownership for consumers who typically don’t have many financing options. If you’re considering a large purchase but you don’t have great credit, then Katapult may be able to help. They offer solutions with no credit required, and no late fees. 

No Minimum Credit Score Required


4.4 Google Rating

  • Vehicle-secured credit card
  • Up to $10,000 in revolving credit
  • Quick & easy pre approval
  • Build credit with responsible usage

Yendo is the first vehicle secured credit card. This means you can still get approved for their credit card, even with a less-than-perfect credit score. They use the value of your car to help determine your credit limit. They offer credit limits up to $10,000 with no hard credit inquiry. 

Must Meet Their Approval Criteria

We will go over a few popular types of loans for 500 credit score below and how they may work for someone with 560 credit scores.

Personal Loans

With a credit score of 560, you may be able to find a personal loan with the right lender. In most cases, online lenders will likely be your best bet when looking to qualify for a personal loan with bad credit. 

Bank Loans

Bank loans are any loans that come from banks. Usually, financial institutions like this have pretty strict credit score requirements, so you may not qualify for a bank loan when you have a poor credit score. However, some banks may offer credit builder loans or secured credit cards that may be available for borrowers with bad credit. Additionally, adding a cosigner to these loans may help with eligibility. 

Credit Cards

There are all kinds of credit cards available, including some that cater to poor credit scores. However, things like your income will play a huge role, and there is no guarantee of approval. If you are able to find a credit card with a poor credit score, then your credit limit will likely be on the lower end, while interest rates will likely be higher. 

Car Loans 

With a car loan or auto loan, you’ll likely find the most options for bad credit scores. This is because, with auto loans, borrowers usually have to provide a down payment. And when you have bad credit, you can have a larger down payment with your car loan to increase your chances of approval. 

So, as you can see, with poor credit scores, it will be more challenging to get approved for a loan; however, things like having a larger down payment (where applicable) or adding a cosigner can help. Of course, improving your credit will also help a lot. 

Products To Help Improve a 560 Credit Score

Here are some products out there that can help you improve your credit:

Personal Finance Apps

Personal finance apps can help you with your credit scores and so much more by guiding you with all aspects of your finances. These apps can help you track your spending, savings, debt, bills, and more. With these tools, you can really take control of your finances and work on improving your credit. These apps may also have helpful features such as automation, which can help with things like bill payments. 

Automatic Payments 

The most significant factor that impacts credit is your payment history with your loan and credit card accounts. Automatic payments or auto-pay can really help you keep your payment history in good shape without having to remember or do the work. One thing to keep this mind is to make sure that you have enough funds in your bank account. 

Credit Counselors 

Credit counselors are licensed professionals who help people with poor credit improve. These experts can guide and help you through credit score improvement. But it’s important to find a qualified individual or company.

Benefits of Improving Your 560 Credit Score

Here are some benefits you can look forward to if you improve your credit score:

Lower Costs of Borrowing And More

When you have bad credit, the cost of borrowing goes up, and improving your score will bring those costs down. However, your credit score can impact more than just the cost of borrowing from a loan. With a higher credit score, you could get lower insurance rates, an easier and less expensive time renting, and more. The bottom line is that a better credit score will mean saving money on all kinds of things. 

The Ability To Purchase Assets 

When you have a good credit score, you’ll be able to purchase assets through financing. Things like purchasing a vehicle, a home, a boat, or almost any other asset through financing may only be possible or much easier when you improve your score. Assets are an essential part of building wealth! 

More Loan Products to Choose From

When you have a good credit score, you’ll have the opportunity to choose through several different loan products. This can be really helpful, as some loans are better suited than others for specific projects/expenses/purchases. For example, if you need to do a home repair, a home equity loan will make more sense than a credit card cash advance. And with improved credit, you will get to choose between those options. 

How To Improve Your 560 Credit Score

Now that you know more about improving your credit score, you may be curious about how you can go about doing so. Here are some tips to help get you started.

Pay Down Debt 

Debt can impact several factors that affect your credit scores. And so, paying down your debt will be helpful for improving your credit and for your overall finances. A debt consolidation loan is one popular way to take on a lot of varying debts. 

Diversify Your Credit Accounts Strategically 

Your credit mix is a significant factor that impacts your credit score and makes up your credit history. Having the same kinds of accounts does nothing for your credit mix and, thus, your credit score. While having several different kinds of credit accounts has the opposite effect! 

However, before piling on excessive debt, it’s important to think about your credit utilization rate and your ability to repay your loans. Generally speaking you don’t want to take on debt simply to diversity, but instead, if you do have to borrow funds, that’s when you should think about diversity and your credit mix. 

Start a Plan With Your Money 

Shockingly, a lot of people don’t really know where their money is going every week, month, or year. According to Empower, just about six in 10 Americans know their net worth.1 One of the best things you can do with your credit is to have a plan with your money. 

Pay Attention to Your Credit Utilization

If you’ve researched credit scores before, you have probably heard of your credit utilization ratio, also called your credit utilization rate. This rate/ratio measures the amount of debt you have against your available credit. Actions like taking on debt, paying off debt, closing accounts, and more can impact this ratio. Ideally, you’ll want to keep it under  30%; anything higher than that can hurt your score.                                                                                                  

Pay Your Bills On Time 

You’ll hear this tip when trying to improve your credit score, regardless of where you are with your score. Paying your bills on time can be considered the most important action to improve your credit scores. With many credit score models, your payment history is the most impactful factor. Even a single missed payment can hurt your average credit score and remain on your credit report for up to seven years.  

FAQs About 560 Credit Scores

Obtaining a secured credit card can positively impact your credit history by demonstrating responsible credit behavior through timely payments. This action is reported to credit bureaus, improving your payment history and potentially your credit score. A secured credit card also diversifies your credit mix, which is beneficial for your credit report.

Minimum credit score requirements for a personal loan vary, but a good credit score is often preferred. With a 560 credit score, seek lenders offering bad credit personal loans. Improve your credit history by reducing credit card debt and ensuring timely payments to meet these requirements gradually.

Average debt with your credit card accounts affects your credit score by influencing your credit utilization ratio. To manage credit card debt, consider methods like debt snowball or avalanche, balance transfer cards with lower rates, or a personal loan for debt consolidation, which may offer lower interest rates and help improve your credit score.

A credit repair company can assist in improving your credit history, especially for inaccuracies on your credit report. Choose a reputable company by researching their success rate, fees, and client reviews. Ensure they can legitimately help dispute errors and negotiate with creditors.

Choosing between a personal loan and a credit card for debt consolidation depends on your financial situation. A personal loan offers fixed payments and potentially lower rates, improving your credit score by reducing credit utilization. A balance transfer credit card could be beneficial if you can pay off the balance during a low or 0% APR introductory period. Both options can help reduce interest and streamline payments.

What Interest Rate Can I Get With a 560 Credit Score?

There’s no clear-cut answer when asking about the interest rate you could get with a loan, regardless of what credit score you have. This is because every loan, lender, and borrower is different. However, a range of interest is possible, and applying for pre-approval with a lender is another way to get an estimate. When working with bad credit scores and credit history, you should expect interest rates to be on the higher end. 

Can I Buy a House With a 560 Credit Score?

If you are thinking of getting a mortgage with a conventional loan and have a 560 credit score, it will likely be tough to get through the credit screening process. However, there are some mortgage types that offer a little more flexibility with credit scores:

Mortgage Type Description Credit Score Requirements Key Features
FHA Loan Insured by the Federal Housing Administration, aimed at low-to-moderate income borrowers. As low as 500 with a 10% down payment; 580 for 3.5% down payment. Lower down payment requirements; allows down payment gifts and grants.
VA Loans Backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, for veterans, active-duty service members, and some surviving spouses. Typically 620 (varies by lender); some may accept lower. No down payment required; no PMI; limited closing costs.
USDA Loans Managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for homebuyers in rural and some suburban areas. 640 for automatic underwriting; lower scores may be considered manually. No down payment required; aimed at low-to-moderate income buyers in designated areas.
State and Local Homebuyer Programs Various programs offered by states, counties, and cities to assist first-time and/or low-income homebuyers. Varies by program; often more flexible than conventional loans. May include down payment assistance, reduced interest rates, and other benefits.

Disclosure: This table provides estimates; requirements and features can vary.

Top 5 Resources for a 560 Credit Score

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