By CreditNinja Reviewed by Matt Mayerle
Modified on June 13, 2024

A 575 credit score is a poor credit score. Having this credit score can make finances challenging. So, the best thing you can do to improve your finances is to try to increase your credit score. 

According to Experian, one of the major credit bureaus. About 16% of consumers have a poor credit score.¹

So you are definitely not alone; despite that comfort, it’s important to work on improving your credit because it can help you in several aspects of your life aside from just borrowing money. Below, you’ll learn valuable tips on improving your credit scores, along with what it really means to have a bad credit score.

Key Takeaways for a 575 Credit Score

Overview of Your
Credit Rating

A 575 score is considered a very poor credit rating. Having this score can make finances challenging; it can also impact other aspects of your life.

Borrowing Options With a
575 Credit Score

With a 575 score, you won’t have many options to choose from. The loans you can choose will likely be small amounts and short-term.

Improving a 575
Credit/FICO Score

You can improve your credit score by making payments on time, keeping your debt low, and being mindful of what you add to your credit history.

Is a 575 Credit Score Good?

A 575 score is not a good score; it is considered poor. With this credit score, you can expect some challenges with your finances, especially when trying to borrow money—as you will be seen as a credit risk with most lenders. Beyond your finances, things like renting, purchasing a home, car, or any other thing that requires financing may also be tough. The good news is that improvement is possible!

What Can I Get Approved For?


4.4 Trustpilot Rating

  • Rewards checking
  • Personal loans
  • Upgrade OneCard
  • Premier savings

Upgrade is a finance company that provides affordable and responsible credit products to borrowers in need. They offer spending cards and personal loans. Loans range from $1,000 to $50,000, and personal credit line cards range from $500 to $25,000.

Min Credit Score Depends on the Product You Choose

Consumer Credit Union

4.8 Ninja Star Rating

  • Personal loans & auto loans
  • Mortgages
  • Credit cards
  • Banking solutions

Like other credit unions, Consumers Credit Union is an open-to-the-public, not-for-profit institution. This credit union offers a wide range of products and services to members—checking, savings, debit and credit cards, vehicle and consumer loans, money market accounts and certificates.

Check out Their Website for More Information on Products and Services


4.0 Ninja Star Rating

  • Installment or revolving credit
  • Flexible pricing
  • Build credit history
  • Build your savings

CreditStrong offers safe and secure solutions to help borrowers build credit. CreditStrong offers two different types of accounts: installment and revolving. These accounts are a combination of a savings account and either a secured installment loan or a secured revolving line of credit. 

No Minimum Credit Score Required

Below are some of the most commonly used loan options; we’ll go over whether a 575 score will generally work for these loan options. Keep in mind that factors like your income, ability to repay, and other eligibility factors are also taken into consideration when looking at loan approval. 

Below is more information on general loans and loans for 500 credit score ranges:

Personal Loans

Personal loan options are unsecured loans that people usually look to when they need to cover a small, medium, or sometimes even a large expense. Personal loans can be found with banks, credit unions, or private lenders. With a 575 credit score, you may be able to work with private lenders/online lenders who cater specifically to borrowers who have poor credit scores. What does that mean for the loan terms? Well, that will depend on the lender, but you can generally expect lower amounts and higher interest rates than borrowers with good credit

Bank Loans

Bank loans can be considered any loan option that comes from a banking institution. It doesn’t matter how large or small the bank is; any loan offered from one of these depository institutions is considered a bank loan. Banks usually have strict credit requirements, which, if you have bad credit, means that you will likely not be able to borrow funds from a bank. However, if you really want to move forward with an application with them, your best bet is to apply for their smallest loan options.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are revolving credit options that you can find with banks, credit unions, private lenders, and even businesses/corporations. Two things that make credit cards unique are that you can use them multiple times until you reach your credit limit, and credit cards can come with rewards for using them. While having good credit will be helpful, with some credit cards, bad credit may be okay. Falling in the poor credit category, you may only have access to small amounts or only secured credit card options. 

Auto Loans

Auto loans or car loans are secured loans that make it possible for people to finance the purchase of a new or used vehicle. You can find an auto loan with a bank, credit union, private lender, or even with a dealership. One unique thing about car loan/auto loan options is that there is a down payment requirement. With poor credit, you can increase your down payment for higher chances of approval with your credit applications. 

Bad Credit Loans 

Bad credit loans can be considered any loan option catered towards borrowers who have subprime credit scores. A few different loans can fall under this category; you’ll usually find cash advance loans, payday loans, and other quick cash loans. While these will help when you need fast cash, they can be difficult to repay because of their extremely high interest rates and short repayment terms. And so you may want to avoid them. Consider a cosigner or improving your credit for better loan options. 

Products To Help Improve a 575 Credit Score

Here are some products that can be extremely beneficial when you are trying to improve your 575 credit score:

Budgeting Apps

Budgeting can be extremely helpful if you are trying to get a grasp of where your money is going and improve your overall financial and credit habits. While this may not seem directly related to your credit scores, your financial habits are actually what impact your credit scores the most. For example, your payment history is the most impactful factor for your credit. With a budget, you can work on building better credit habits and prioritize actions that will help your scores. 

Here are some budgeting apps that can help you get started:

  • You Need a Budget (YNAB)
  • Goodbudget
  • EveryDollar
  • Empower Personal Wealth

Credit Monitoring 

Credit monitoring services will alert you if anything changes on your credit report or your credit accounts. This can be extremely helpful when things like errors happen so you can correct them right away. Credit monitoring is also an important tool that can help with alerts for identity theft. 

Here are some credit monitoring services to look into:

  • Experian IdentityWorks
  • IdentityForce
  • IDShield
  • Credit Karma
  • Aura

Debt Management Plans

Having more debt than you can handle can be extremely harmful to your credit scores. It can make it harder to pay your bills, not allow you to be mindful of your credit mix, and increase your credit utilization rate. The good news is that there are helpful plans that you can follow to manage your debt. 

Here are some commonly used strategies/products for debt management:

  • Debt snowball method
  • Debt avalanche method
  • Debt consolidation loan
  • Balance transfer credit card
  • Credit counseling
  • Debt management plan (DMP)
  • Debt settlement
  • Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)
  • 401(k) loans

Becoming an Authorized User 

An authorized user is someone who is added to another person’s credit account (usually credit cards). Typically, this will give the new user a credit card they can use, which will be linked to the original account. From here, any actions will be reflected on both party’s credit reports as a part of their credit history. If there are positive actions like an addition to your credit mix, a higher credit limit than what you have, or on-time payments to the card, these can really help boost your credit scores. But keep in mind that negative actions will also be reflected, so it can be a bit of a risk.

Benefits of Improving Your 575 Credit Score

You’ll find several benefits of moving up from a poor score range. Here are the most prominent benefits to look forward to:

Lower Interest Rates and APRs

With higher credit scores, you’ll get lower interest rates and APRs. This can be a huge advantage when borrowing money, and you could save a lot of money. Below is an example of how much even a 10% interest rate impacts how much a loan will cost you:

Loan Amount Term (Years) Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Interest Paid Total Payment Over Term
$2,000 5 10% $42.49 $549.65 $2,549.65
$2,000 5 20% $52.99 $1,179.27 $3,179.27
$2,000 5 30% $64.71 $1,882.41 $3,882.41

More Loan Choices and Lenders 

When you have good credit, you’ll have more loan choices and lenders you can choose from. This can be a huge benefit as you can get personalization with the loan process. You can choose a loan and lender that works best for your finances. 

An Easier Time With Financial Endeavors 

A credit score can impact so much more than just your borrowing options. It can impact your job, the place you live, the assets you may own, your insurance rates, and so much more. With better credit scores, you can look forward to savings and a smoother time with all of these kinds of financial endeavors. 

How To Improve Your 575 Credit Score

Here are some tips to help you improve your credit score:

Pay Your Bills On Time 

One of the most important things you can do for credit is to pay your bills on time. To make this easier, you can set up payments; that way, you can remove the pressure to remember those due dates. No matter how you go about it, it is essential that you make your payments on time. It’s the most significant factor that impacts your credit with most credit scoring models—such as the FICO credit scoring model and Vantage Score.

Keep Your Credit Utilization Under 30%

Your credit utilization ratio measures your available credit against your existing debt. Keeping this ratio under 30% will be extremely helpful. You can do this by not taking on new debt and keeping your credit accounts open. 

Consider Secured Credit Cards or Credit Builder Loans 

Secured credit cards and credit builder loans can be credit-building strategies that, when used wisely, can really help your credit. With these, you won’t get the funds upfront; instead, they will be put aside while you make your payments. Once those payments are made, you will receive the funds. Those payments should be reported to at least one of the three major credit bureaus (if not all of them), and if those payments are made on time, it can be very helpful in getting a higher credit score.

Get Your Alternative Payments Reported

There are payments that we make on time every month that, if they were reported, would help build credit history on your credit report. The good news is that you can report those payments to the credit bureaus through third-party services and apps. From here, payments like rent, utilities, or phone bills can be used to build a positive payment history. 

FAQs About 575 Credit Scores

Having a good credit score significantly improves your chances of being approved for auto loans, often with more favorable terms and lower interest rates. Your FICO score is a critical factor that many lenders use to assess your creditworthiness, determining how likely you are to repay the loan on time. Some lenders may have a minimum credit score requirement.

Yes, responsibly managing a secured credit card by making timely payments and keeping the utilization rate low can help rebuild your credit. This positive financial behavior demonstrates to creditors that you are capable of managing credit responsibly, which can improve your FICO score over time.

Late payments can negatively affect your chances of securing an FHA loan by lowering your FICO scores. However, improving your FICO scores by addressing these late payments, along with demonstrating responsible credit behavior, can enhance your eligibility for an FHA loan, as lenders may view you as a lower-risk borrower.

What Interest Rate Can I Get With a 575 Credit Score?

When working with a poor credit score, such as a 575 credit score, your interest will be in the highest range of rates, and so borrowing a loan will be expensive. However, you can improve your credit score fairly quickly with the right actions. In some cases, improvement could be as soon as 30 to 45 days.²

Can I Buy a House With a 575 Credit Score?

A minimum credit score is usually a part of the home-buying process. Credit scores are an important part of the approval process for most mortgage lenders. With a 575 credit score, you will likely have a tough time getting approval for a mortgage. However, that does not mean that you will never be able to purchase a home. Focus on making improvements to your credit to be able to secure a home loan in the future!

Top 5 Resources for a 575 Credit Score

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  1. 575 Credit Score: Is it Good or Bad? | Experian
  2. How Long Does It Take (and Tips) to Improve Your Credit Score | Time